Friday, April 24, 2009

Checking in!

Wow! I can't believe it's been 6 weeks since I posted last! The last 6 weeks have been crazy, to say the least. I have been working and going to school, full time, Dan has been working full time, and Katie has been spending the day at the sitters.

My parents were in town for a little over 2 weeks while my dad had some doctors appointments. It was great to see them and visit with them. They took Katie to her last 2 gymnastics classes, which worked out nicely since the initial round of classes she took was a Christmas gift from them. They also joined us for one Saturday at her swim classes.

The weather here was beautiful today, we topped out around 84 or 85 degrees. That's really unseasonably warm for us here, but we'll take it any day over the possibility of snow!! Not to mention the fact that us Whitney's LOVE the warm weather, I can't really speak for any of the other Whitney family members, but the 3 of us here in this house do! In celebration of the great weather we bought a new tree and some flowers for our yard, which we will spend most of the day tomorrow planting. Katie was also FINALLY allowed to get her bounce house out. She spent about 5 hours in it today alone! I'm sure she'll sleep GREAT tonight!

What else? Well, a few weeks ago we got Katie 3 fish, the two littlest ones didn't last the week, but the big one is still going strong. Our newest puppy Cocoa is doing much better, the mange appears to be completely gone, and the skin infection has healed nicely, now we just need to work on getting her to gain some more weight then we'll be able to get her fixed. It has become quite evident as she has aged that she is not all lab, it looks like she's half lab half boxer. She's really quite small for a lab which should have been a dead give away, but she is quite beautiful and is VERY friendly! Yoshi is still as crazy and cute as ever, and George the girl kitty is still quite mischevious!

I have quite a bit more to post, but it will have to wait until another day as I'm preactically falling asleep here at the computer!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Glad you checked in! I want to see pixs of the flowers, lol!