Sunday, July 18, 2010
Weekends are a wonderful thing
I've been working at my new job for 4 weeks now, and honestly, I love it. The biggest transition has honestly been adjusting to working Monday through Friday and having Saturday and Sunday off. We had originally planned to go camping this weekend, but things just didn't work out that way. We stayed home instead, and I really can't complain. We had already promised Aurora that we would ick her up for the weekend, so we did as we promised and picked her up Friday night. It's been a nice weekend. The neighborhood we live in had a resident appreciation day yesterday. They had a bounce house for the kids to play in, and an inflatable obstacle course for the kids to run around on. After that we went to see Toy Story 3. Katie had already seen it, but she's always up for a trip to the movie theatre, she went for the first time when she was only two months old. Aurora had not seen the movie yet, and still hasn't seen the entire movie as she fell asleep about half way through. It has been a crazy weekend with the two of them, it seems like they have done nothing but fight, and it's driving me crazy, we love Aurora, but we might need the girls to take a break from eachother for a while so that they can learn to appreciate eachother again.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Everything's Changing
'Tis the season for change, atleast that's what people always say.
A few weeks ago I went on an interview at the University of Michigan. It was for a job that they already had a candidate for, but they had another opening in the department too, so they wanted to interview me for it. The interview went GREAT, I left there feeling confident, and two days later she called and offered me the job. I started my orientation on Monday, it's going really well, I'm excited to get into the clinics next week and really get to work.
Katie is on vacation in Florida with my parents for two weeks. I know a lot of people can't fathom the idea of being away from their kids for one night, let alone two weeks, but to me it's not really such an issue. I did it when I was a kid, and I LOVED it. Don't get me wrong, I miss Katie, a TON, but I know that she is having a great time and doing things that she might not otherwise get the chance to do, plus, with me having a new job we won't really be taking a vacation again this year, so this is her vacation before she starts school in the fall.
Dan is back to working 6's again. To put it in plain english they are working a mandatory 6th day of overtime. It's hard for me, I won't lie, I miss him, a TON, Katie does too, but the money is great, and having extra money coming in never really hurts anyone.
I'm really working on establishing some order around this house. I'll admit it, we live in a constant state of chaos, keeping house just isn't my strong point. I'm working on it though, and I'm working on Dan and Katie being a part of it. I am NOT superwoman, I can't do it all, not by myself, not all the time.
My final Wilton cake class is this week. It has been great to have a few hours of mommy time every week. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself now, but I'm going to try to find something. There is going to be another Wilton course sometime in the future, maybe until then I'll take some sewing classes or soemthing.
This summer has been an odd one for us. We've only been camping once so far, way back in April on opening weekend at our favorite campground. We are going next weekend with our friends up to there families property, I'm really looking forward to it.
Dan and I will be celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary next Thursday. It's hard to believe it's been four years already, but it's also hard to believe that it's only been 4 years. I'm certainly looking forward to what the future will bring!!!
Katie danced in her first ever ballet recital last Friday night. It was supposed to be 2 hours long. About 2.5 hours and 2/3 of the way through it the storm sirens went off and they shuffled everyone down into the schools basement until the all clear was issued, then the recital resumed. We arrived at the school at 6 that night, the recital started at 6:45, we didn't leave until 10:45. It was a long night, but the girls all did a great job. Tomorrow night is the pre-enrollment for next year, so when I get off work that is where I'll be going.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Catching up
Things here have suddenly been hectic again. Dan and I are still both working, a lot actually, he has been getting tons of overtime and I was just offered a 3 week stint at the engineering firm I worked for (which of course I had to take, can't pass up extra money like that!!)
Katie is still going to ballet class every week. Next wednesday is the last day of preschool. They are having a little cap and gown ceremony in the park next to the school. Ballet recital is coming up on June 18. My parents will be in town the first few weeks of June, when they leave on the 19th they are taking Katie with them. They're going to be stopping in Tennessee to visit my grandpa before continuing on there way to Florida, where they will stay until my mom flies her home on July 3rd. It's going to be a long two weeks without my baby, but she is sooo looking forward to it that I could never deny her the opportunity to go.
I'm going to try to post a few things this weekend from our adventures the last few weeks (pictures too, I promise).
Katie is still going to ballet class every week. Next wednesday is the last day of preschool. They are having a little cap and gown ceremony in the park next to the school. Ballet recital is coming up on June 18. My parents will be in town the first few weeks of June, when they leave on the 19th they are taking Katie with them. They're going to be stopping in Tennessee to visit my grandpa before continuing on there way to Florida, where they will stay until my mom flies her home on July 3rd. It's going to be a long two weeks without my baby, but she is sooo looking forward to it that I could never deny her the opportunity to go.
I'm going to try to post a few things this weekend from our adventures the last few weeks (pictures too, I promise).
Friday, May 7, 2010
Hello Blog!!!
Wow! It's been a while! I feel like I've abandoned my little blog here, but I'm back, and we're going to turn a new leef!
Going forward my little blog is going to contain as much information as I can cram into it, so be prepared for stories of life, baking adventures, crafting adventures, family adventures, you name it, I'll blog about it!!!
For now I'll tell you that things here have been good, crazy at times, but otherwise good. Katie will be done with preschool on the 26th of May, they're having a little graduation ceremony and everything. She is starting Kindergarten in the fall and couldnt possibly be more excited about it, she is ready, beyond ready, she will do great, and Dan and I are excited for her future. She has also been taking dance classes since September. The Recital is scheduled for the 17th or 18th of June. There costumes are ADORABLE, VERY pink and VERY puffy. They are dancing to pinkariffic from pinkatastic the musical. She has already said that she would like to continue dancing next year, so we're looking forward to that. Dan and I have both been working. I took the first two Wilton cake classes at Joann Fabrics in March and April, I'm going to sign up tomorrow to take the last course in June.
Our house will be a hub of activity for the next month or so, more on that later.
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow to post some cake decorating adventures!!
Going forward my little blog is going to contain as much information as I can cram into it, so be prepared for stories of life, baking adventures, crafting adventures, family adventures, you name it, I'll blog about it!!!
For now I'll tell you that things here have been good, crazy at times, but otherwise good. Katie will be done with preschool on the 26th of May, they're having a little graduation ceremony and everything. She is starting Kindergarten in the fall and couldnt possibly be more excited about it, she is ready, beyond ready, she will do great, and Dan and I are excited for her future. She has also been taking dance classes since September. The Recital is scheduled for the 17th or 18th of June. There costumes are ADORABLE, VERY pink and VERY puffy. They are dancing to pinkariffic from pinkatastic the musical. She has already said that she would like to continue dancing next year, so we're looking forward to that. Dan and I have both been working. I took the first two Wilton cake classes at Joann Fabrics in March and April, I'm going to sign up tomorrow to take the last course in June.
Our house will be a hub of activity for the next month or so, more on that later.
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow to post some cake decorating adventures!!
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