Friday, May 7, 2010

Hello Blog!!!

Wow! It's been a while! I feel like I've abandoned my little blog here, but I'm back, and we're going to turn a new leef!

Going forward my little blog is going to contain as much information as I can cram into it, so be prepared for stories of life, baking adventures, crafting adventures, family adventures, you name it, I'll blog about it!!!

For now I'll tell you that things here have been good, crazy at times, but otherwise good. Katie will be done with preschool on the 26th of May, they're having a little graduation ceremony and everything. She is starting Kindergarten in the fall and couldnt possibly be more excited about it, she is ready, beyond ready, she will do great, and Dan and I are excited for her future. She has also been taking dance classes since September. The Recital is scheduled for the 17th or 18th of June. There costumes are ADORABLE, VERY pink and VERY puffy. They are dancing to pinkariffic from pinkatastic the musical. She has already said that she would like to continue dancing next year, so we're looking forward to that. Dan and I have both been working. I took the first two Wilton cake classes at Joann Fabrics in March and April, I'm going to sign up tomorrow to take the last course in June.

Our house will be a hub of activity for the next month or so, more on that later.

Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow to post some cake decorating adventures!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Glad your back, moving forward is the best thing to do.