Tuesday, September 23, 2008

DJ Phone Home

Seems the last few weeks have been rather trying for our family. Daniel has been working a TON of overtime, which is certainly welcome given my current situation, but still, we would love to see him on a somewhat regular basis. It is really hard explaining to Katie why daddy isn't home when she goes to bed at night, and why he's already gone or on his way out the door when she wakes up in the morning. When they were working 5 days she at least got one day a week with him, but they've been on 6 days lately, which means that his only day off is usually Sunday, so she doesn't get any time dedicated strictly to daddy/daughter time. Every time they tell them that they're going back to the 5 day schedule it either gets delayed or it only lasts a week or two and they're back on 6 days. As much as Katie misses her Daddy, I miss my husband!! Katie used to go to her grammy's house every Friday night so that Daniel and I could have some time together, but lately all it really gets me is time to myself, which, while also appreciated just isn't as good as time with him. Perhaps the worst part is that many many many nights he doesn't get home until 10 or so and he's not ready to go to bed the minute he walks in the door, so he's not getting as much sleep as he needs, and neither am I.

I keep reminding myself over and over that we are grateful for his job and the benefits it provides us, but sometimes I just can't bring myself to accept it.

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