Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pretty Princess Tutu Time

So, a few days ago I came across a blog that had simple directions for creating home made Tutu's. One of Katie's favorite activities is dressing up like a princess and dancing around the house, so I thought that a Tutu would be a great addition to her dress up trunk. I did quite a bit of searching before I found this Tutu Tutorial, but once I saw how easy it looked and how cute the finished product was I knew this would be the one I would attempt. Since I found the tutorial I have created two Tutu's for Katie. The first will be a birthday present, the second I made last night so that she would have something to play with. She's is so excited for her "pretty dress", she asked to wear it to preschool this morning, but I had to draw the line somewhere!! We will definitely be getting pictures taken in these Tutu's in the coming months!!

For now here are some pictures of the finished product:

Birthday Present Tutu:

Pink Lemonade Tutu:

And just to show everyone how darn cute my kid is!! Her and her crazy faces!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wow great job! You know you can always sell those too, lol!