Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas is almost here!!

Well, as the holidays get closer things start to get more and more stressful. I can honestly say though that this year seems to be going better than the years past. Christmas pics are done, and most of the cards have been sent (the only ones left are those to my online friends and they're coming soon!!). The house is almost completely ready, many many thanks to my mom for that. Most of the laundry is done, I hope to wrap the rest of it up tomorrow. All of the baking is done except for one cheesecake, which at this point I'll hold off until a day or two before Christmas to make. Most of the decorations are up, we'll be finishing tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be much nicer than it has been. The only major task left at hand is wrapping ALL the presents. Katie is going to her aunts house for a few hours ext Friday so that we can wrap her gifts as she has already been trying to open the one's we have wrapped for her cousins.

Speaking of Katie! She is just loving the holiday season. She helped make and decorate cookies here at home last weekend, then this weekend she helped again at her aunts. She is IN LOVE with Christmas music. We can't go anywhere in the car without her asking us to turn the radio on. She's learning the words too. My favorite is when she sings Up On the House Top, she knows most of the words, so she does it pretty well. She also loves all the holiday movies. We're managed to record a few of the Mickey Mouse ones, so, of course, we have to watch them all every day.

Happy Holidays to you all!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yeah, I am loving how the girls are reacting to the holiday spirit this year.