Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gymnastics Saturday

Well, Saturday is here again! In the Whitney household that means Daddy is at work and Mommy and Katie are off to Gymnsastics class. You probably remember from all of my Christmas and year-end posts, but Katie was given 7 weeks worth of gymnastics classes for Christmas from my mom and dad. We opted to do just one session incase she didn't end up liking it, but it seems from last week that she really loves the class. She was a little nervous going in, and I had to stand in the room so that she could see me for a little while, but she eventually got over her fear and joined the rest of her classmates in the activities they were doing. She had a great time, and it was so much fun to watch her follow directions and learn new things. Today will be her second class and Daniel and I are already considering signing her up for a Friday class when this one is over since she will have swim classes on Saturdays after that. Most of the kids in the class were wearing leotards last week even though they are not required by the school, so we decided that we wanted to try to get Katie one if we could find one for a reasonable price seeing that it won't really fit her all that long. On our trips around town yesterday we checked at store after store, and on our second to last stop we finally found one, and the best part was that it was on clearance!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Awww Im so happy she loves it! And great find on the leotard. I started thais in gym at 11 months and didnt buy her one till this past summer and i actually bought them for ballet but we use the ones with out tutu's for gymnastics. Hey what ever works right? I want to see pixs!