Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Tumbling Tyke

Katie's gymnastics classes are drawing to an end. This coming Saturday is the last class. The sad part is that she is just now really starting to get in to it, practicing what they teach her all hours of the day. Yesterday she did about 300 summer saults. She's so funny, she tells us how many she wants to do and then asks us to count them as she goes. She doesn't really realize she's doing it, but about half of the time she does a hand stand mid roll. I'm amazed at her balance. Yesterday I got on the floor with her and atempted to show her a hand stand, didn't work as well as it used to when I was a kid, LOL!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Awww sad they are coming to an end but glad she enjoyed them. I did a kart wheel about 2 months ago, i think i pulled a muscle, lol!