Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Grandma & Papa are in town

My mom and dad arrived safely in town last night. Katie knew it too, as soon as we got home she started asking where they were and when she could see them. I called them this morning to see when we could come visit as they are staying with my brother for a few days before coming here. They came and picked her up about 30 minutes ago and are going to spend the afternoon with her. As you probably remember my mom was just here last week, but we haven't seen my dad since we went to Florida to visit for Katies birthday in October. They're here until the day after Christmas and will be staying with us for the last half of there visit.

This will probably be my last post until after Christmas. I'm done with school for two weeks after tomorrow and there is still much left to do. Daniel has Friday off, so we will be wrapping up the last of our Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, and doing a mini Christmas with Daniels family so that we can minimize the number of gifts Katie has to open on Chistmas day, especially the ones that won't be kept here.

Happy Holidays too you all!!! Have a safe and happy time!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family and parents and drive safely! Miss you all!