Daniel and I have been struggling with this for a few days. Katie's attitude lately is out of control. I know it's just a phase that she's going through, but I seriously just don't know what to do. I am NOT a very patient person, I've gotten a lot better about it over the years, but I'm still pretty easily riled. It's as if she knowsjust what buttons to push to really tick me off. On several occasions I have had to walk away and lock myself in my room for a few minutes so that I could just cry it out for a few minutes until I calmed down.
We have been very good about creating consequences for her actions, but it just doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. At this point she has had almost all of her toys taken away from her, and told that she won't get them back until she behaves, but she still acts up. They talk about owners needing to take there dogs to training classes, well, our dogs need to take Katie to training classes!! As people ask what she wants for Christmas I literally tell them NO TOYS!! At this point I would rather her get clothes that aren't going to fit her for two years....
I don't mean to make this blog all about complaining but I'm glad to have a place to vent, so please just deal with me as we go through this wonderful phase of toddler-hood.
OH hun hang in there. If you think is bad, wait till the teenage yrs, lol!
We're trying so hard to get Emmett to obey "right away." What a challenge! He also answers YEAH to everything, and we want him to say YES, or if its me, Yes Mam. It's driving us crazy. Remember all the blessings of this age, too :)
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